Selling And Administration Expenses 변화 날짜
Bezeq The Israel ILS 979M 41M 2024-09
Digi Communications NV EUR 94.9M 975K 2024-09
Hellenic Telecommunications EUR 122.6M 68.8M 2024-12
Mobile Telesystems RUB 39.51B 4.62B 2024-09
Rostelecom RUB 58.35B 11.08B 2024-12
Telekom Austria EUR 279M 45M 2024-12
Telkom SOC ZAR 1.49B 9.74B 2024-09
Turk Telekomunikasyon AS TRY 7.88B 982.8M 2024-09
Turkcell TRY 6.49B 2.32B 2024-12

Magyar Telekom 판매 및 관리 비용 - 현재 값, 이력 데이터, 예측, 통계, 차트 및 경제 달력 - Mar 2025.